Wilberforce University
I am so grateful and indebted to my daughter, Marian, for suggesting the title for my blog (Grandpa Then and Now)
The present covers a lot of time. Thank you, Marian. I am grateful to you for expediting the time for production. I use the Columbus system typing (discover and land.) I would probably still be on number 1 blog.
This blog is THEN. PAUL AND I.
(Suggestion: read “My Friend Paul” blog to know Paul.
After graduating from Walnut Hills High School, Paul spent his first year at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio and I attended Wilberforce University in Ohio.
Being freshmen in two different schools, we had very little communication with each other.
For whatever reason Paul decided to matriculate at Wilberforce University for his second year. Paul was a brilliant student so U.C. couldn’t have been too difficult for him. We decided to be roommates that year. We had another roommate who was absent most of the time.
Paul still depended on me to help him in his social life. We enjoyed laughing about some of our high school ventures, then there were times like:
Paul – Lee, don’t go to sleep yet. I’ve got a question.
Me – I’m tired, Paul. Coach made us do 5 miles before 8:00 am this morning.
Paul – This girl in chemistry class wants me to help her with a project.
Me – What’s the problem?
Why would she ask me?
Me – Put it on the table over there.
Paul – Lee, don’t go to sleep. What do you think?
Me – What was the question?
Paul – Are you awake?
Me – I’m awake. What was the question?
Paul – Lee, don’t go to sleep. Are you awake? Me – Yeah, the girl. She wanted to go to the store – for what!
Paul – Lee, Lee, Lee, wake up.
Me – Ok. ok. ok. ok….
Another night.
Paul – Lee
Me – Yeah.
Paul – Remember the girl, Laura who finished Woodward High last year? Me – Yeah, very attractive girl.
Paul – She’ll be here next quarter. She’s going to transfer fro U.C.
Me – Ok. Tomorrow. Tomorrow – talk about it tomorrow. Man I need some sleep.
Paul – She’s gong to expect me to be taking her out.
Me – If you say so, Paul.
I finally was off to sleep.
The next morning I was out early and kept thinking, was I dreaming and did Paul say this girl was coming to Wilberforce and would be asking him to take her to school affairs. He did mention her name, but taking her out – No. Maybe I was dreaming.
I did see him that afternoon on the campus. We gave our usual greeting from our high school days. Paul got it from a ancient Greek or Roman reading. Right hand in a salute position, but point upward, fingers closed, and the upper body in a quick upward gesture and the word “Ta.” That was our greeting.
Me – I was dead tired last night, but you said something about this girl, Laura switching from U.C. to Wilberforce next quarter.
Paul – Yeah.
Me - (a brief pause) You took her out last year when you were at U.C.?
Paul – A couple of times.
Me – How come you didn’t tell me?
Paul – We were just friends. Hey, see you later. I’m late.
This was puzzling to me, so much so that later I asked Paul just how did this relationship come about.
(to be continued)